What's Wrong with Spaaace? - Episode 4 Part 2

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Welcome back to season 4 of TNG. We're wrapping this season up with some of the best episodes in TNG history and some of the worst reasons why Counselor Troi is on the show. Tim has some strong thoughts on these and we're not sure what he's going to watch next! Stay tuned for Season 5 coming soon?

What's Wrong with Spaaace? Episode 3 Part I


Available now for all $2 Patrons!

We're back at it again this time discussing season 3 of Star Trek TNG. This time with a new hosting lineup but the same great taste! We ran a little long on this recording so we had to split it up Part 2 will be out soon. This episode focuses on the first 13 episodes of the season and it gets a little dicey.

What's Wrong with Spaaace? - Episode 2


Available now for all $2 Patrons!

We're growing the beard and sitting down to talk about Season 2 of Star Trek TNG. Where is Doctor Crusher? Should Kathrine Pulaski be kicked out an airlock? Is Data a person? And just how long do you think it took Riker to bang every chick on board the Klingon ship? All these questions and more will be addressed as we ask, What's Wrong with Spaaace?

What's Wrong with Spaaace? - Episode One

Space Episode 1 Thumb

Available now for all $2 Patrons!

Yellow alert, raise shields, energize weapons, and set speed to Warp Factor One because Tim finally sat down and watched TNG Season One and we're gonna talk about it. So get out there and grab your favorite spandex onesie, batleth, and pet lionfish for this episode so nerdy it may be in violation of the Divisible Directive, aka General Order 2.